Join the Camerawork 50!

Join the Camerawork 50!

Dear friends, artists, and supporters of SF Camerawork, 

50 years ago, in 1974, a small collective of photographers met in Marin county to exhibit their work and to discuss experimentation, unconventional techniques, and sociopolitical themes within the art form. Within the year, the group was curating and showing in San Francisco. This new artist space soon took root as the arts non-profit we now know as SF Camerawork, and grew into a longstanding pillar of the art scene in one of the major international centers for photography. 

In 2024, we will celebrate our artist-run legacy through a series of benefits, new artist projects, and archival explorations. As we prepare, we invite you, our members and supporters of the SF Camerawork community, to help usher in what we hope will be the next 50 years with a much needed financial contribution. Whether you can recite every address of our gallery from memory, or only know us for our newest bayfront view, your participation and support is what keeps our programming alive. 

To raise a minimum of $50,000 for 50 years, the first 50 supporters to contribute $1,000 or more will be recognized as the Camerawork 50, receiving early access and discounts to our anniversary benefits and programs, and most importantly, automatic enrollment (or renewal) in our new Collector’s Circle membership, which you can find out about here

We hope you can join us in this endeavor and propel us into our 50th year! Stay tuned for more announcements and 50th anniversary programs throughout the fall and into 2025. We can’t wait to celebrate with you. 

In gratitude, 

Aay Preston-Myint
Executive Director, SF Camerawork



$1000 brings together a group of artists for a live program like a panel, studio tour, or exhibition walkthrough. Your contribution will support in-depth and intimate conversations among artists, curators, and critics, create deeper connection between us, the work and the artists, and foster the SFC community’s appreciation for art. 

All donations of $1000 and up receive named recognition on the web, in print and on-site for one year after the donation date. See some of our annual supporters here.

(Note: If you are seeking more involvement with the SFC community, Collector’s Circle memberships start at $1000 and come with access to member perks and events - see our Membership Page for more information).



$2000 can take one of our live programs and make it accessible! Your gift helps create widespread access to art and ideas through live streaming, captioning, and interpreting technology for our immunocompromised, disabled, and national/international audiences.  Accessible programs benefit us all.



A gift at this level provides an artist fee for a solo show or to commission new work by a local artist. Since taking the helm at SFC in 2023, our executive director, Aay Preston-Myint, made raising artist fees our first priority. SFC’s entire fee schedule has been revised, resulting in artist payments sometimes doubling or tripling the industry standard for organizations our size. Support the creation of new photographic work directly and keep local artist practices sustainable buy helping fund new commissions.



Directly support even more work and creativity, by helping fund the awards for a new cohort of FORECAST artists, our annual juried show of new photographic work. Contribute to the next generation of imagemakers with a donation of $5000. Keep Camerawork’s legacy alive as the first look at new talent in the field, and you can say you were there to see the next star on the rise. 

(Note: If you are seeking more involvement with the SFC community, Exhibition Sponsorships start at $5000 come with named recognition as well as access to member perks and events - see our Membership Page for more information).

Special Thanks to Our Generous Camerawork 50:

Kathryn Hall 
Dave Elfving
Drusie Davis
Michael Light
Lonnie Zwerin with Frank Mainzer
Jon Tigar 
Joanna Knutsen
Brooke Farrington
Jaime Gabriel
Heidy Braverman

Looking for other ways to support SF Camerawork? Become a member to access special discounts and benefits. Learn more