July 16 — September 7, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, July 19, 6-8pm

SF Camerawork is proud to present FORECAST 2024, SF Camerawork’s annual survey exhibition. Each year SF Camerawork invites an esteemed jury of artists, curators and critics to select and showcase the work of emerging imagemakers, with an eye toward current movements, trends and concerns in contemporary photography. This year, Bay Area art community leaders Maggie Dethloff and Rea Lynn de Guzman have selected the work of Takming Chuang, Lynse Cooper (Jurors’ Prize Awardee), Tiago Da Cruz, Jesse Egner, Nina Tanujaya, and Vanessa Woods from over 160 entries from around the world. FORECAST 2024 will be on view July 16 through September 7, 2024. SF Camerawork will host an opening reception on Friday, July 19, from 6-8 pm at our gallery in the historic Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture, overlooking the Golden Gate.  

FORECAST 2024’s jury and SF Camerawork’s staff invite the public to join us in celebrating the thoughtfulness of this cohort’s thematic explorations, which include compassionate musings on family and motherhood (Tanujaya and Woods); innovative, personal narrations of remembrance and impermanence (Cooper and Chuang); and diverse approaches to identity and portraiture that range from intensely conceptual to bizarre and whimsical (Da Cruz, Egner). 

FORECAST awardees receive $500 cash prizes  and the Juror’s Choice prize for outstanding achievement is $1,500. An additional six artists were selected for the Honorable Mention list, whose work will be viewable online concurrent with the gallery exhibit, and presented digitally in the gallery space. 

Full Press Release

Upcoming FORECAST 2024 Events

Stay tuned for our summer events series in conjunction with FORECAST 2024, our annual juried exhibition. 

Collector's Circle members will receive invitations to studio visits in August with FORECAST artists Vanessa Woods in Pacifica, and Takming Chuang in Oakland. At SF Camerawork's gallery, we will host the Fort Mason Art Walk on September 6th, and an artist panel closing out the exhibition on September 7th. Gallery events are free and open to all. 

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FORECAST 2024 Opening Reception
When: July 19, 6-8pm
Location: SF Camerawork

Studio Visit with Exhibiting Artist Takming Chuang for Collector’s Circle Members
When: August 10, 3pm-5pm
Location: Oakland, CA

Studio Visit with Exhibiting Artist Vanessa Woods for Collector’s Circle Members
When: August 17, 2pm-4pm
Location: Pacifica, CA

FORECAST 2024 Artists Walkthrough with Takming Chuang and Lynse Cooper
When: September 7, 3-4pm
Location: SF Camerawork



SF Camerawork proudly announces the FORECAST 2024 Honorable Mention list. The exhibition jurors and SF Camerawork staff were impressed by the rigor and beauty expressed in the projects of these emerging artists, and we are excited to present a selection of their work online. SF Camerawork is thrilled to be able to champion the work of more image makers during our annual juried exhibition.

Gavin Benjamin| Daniel Fenstermacher | Jy Jimmie Gabiola | Laura Plageman| Sophia Ramirez | tamara suarez porras

Our Jurors

Rea Lynn de Guzman, is an artist, curator, and educator, and YBCA's Senior Manager of Educational Programs. She received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. She is a recipient of the API Artist Futures Fund award. In 2019-2023, she curated the Wander Woman series—featuring Bay Area-based, women of color artists with immigrant backgrounds. She has been featured in the Asian Journal Magazine, Hella Pinay, KQED, and the San Francisco Chronicle, among other publications.

Maggie Dethloff is the Assistant Curator of Photography and New Media at the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University.


Variable West, New horizons in landscape photography: FORECAST at SF Camerawork, by Max Blue, July 31, 2024

Aesthertica Magazine, FORECAST 2024: Talents of Tomorrow, by Kyle Boulton, July 15, 2024