Nina Tanujaya

My photography revolves around themes of identity, intergenerational history, home, and belonging. Through photography I wish to render beautiful all the things, people, and places that keep me connected with my heritage, remind me of who I am, and honor my Asian American identity. As both a generative and healing process, photography allows me to respond to past experiences while reclaiming what has always been mine to claim- a history to be proud of and inspired by.

Nina Tanujaya, my parents, from "Pulang" series 2023

Nina Tanujaya

I was born and raised in San Francisco, which will always be home to me no matter where I live. The heart of my photographic practice is the exploration of cultural identity formation, intergenerational family history, home, and belonging within the content of the Asian American Diaspora. I draw strength from my culture, and am always seeking new expressions of honoring my heritage. My work has been exhibited in the International Center of Photography’s “Lifelines” group show, and Brooklyn Film Camera’s “Sacred Implications” group show, and published in Far-Near Media, Fraction Media, Local Wolves, Lula Japan, and Ephemere Gallery Tokyo.

Instagram: @nin_tan