Beb C. Reynol; Workers shovel coal dust Karkar, Afghanistan
Afghanistan: Challenges in Documenting Culture in Places of Conflicts by Beb C. Renol
Saturday, April 12, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Since 1999, international photojournalist, Beb C. Reynol has worked on several projects in Afghanistan and Pakistan, crossing borders on foot to meet with the ethnic Pashtun, the largest tribal group in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Internal warfare, past and present, has deepened ethnic and religious differences within the Afghan culture.
Additionally, Beb will be teaching documentary workshops at Rayko from April 11 – 13. Follow this link for more information.
Sarah Christianson; Natural gas flare from oil well adjacent to cattle pasture, White Earth River Valley
What the Frack?! by Sarah Christianson
Thursday, April 10, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Please join us for a panel discussion on fracking, moderated bySarah Christianson. Panelists from North Dakota, Earth Justice, and the San Francisco Bay Area Sierra Club will discuss their experiences with fracking and what this means for California. This event is free and open to the public.
Wilmette, Illinois, c. 1968
Screening of Vivian Maier Documentary
followed by a Q&A Discussion
Friday, April 4, 2014
5:30 - 8 PM
$10 Suggested Donation
SF Camerawork and Scott Nichols Gallery will co-host a screening of the BBC film "The Vivian Maier Mystery," (53 minutes) followed by a Q & A discussion with Jeffrey Goldstein, director of Vivian Maier Prints (VMP) and project coordinator Anne Zakaras; VMP master printers Ron Gordon and Sandra Steinbrecher; and Richard Cahan and Michael Williams, authors of the book on Maier's life and work, Vivian Maier, Out of the Shadows.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
6 - 8 PM
All current members of SF Camerawork are invited to participate in our monthly member critique. This is a great opportunity to get direct feedback on your work and photographic practice by SF Camerawork's executive director, gallery manager, and wider photographic community.
Art Fare by Andy Freeberg
Friday, June 6, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Please join us for an artist talk and book signing with Andy Freeberg and W.M. Hunt to celebrate the San Francisco release of Art Fare.
"Andy Freeberg's Art Fare photographs are shrewdly smart. They are colorful, well seen and well made. It is funny how true they are and how truly funny...he is the distiller of these lunatic dramas, capturing moments, tight but telling vignettes...he is not damning, but instead, wryly amused and curious, intent on sharing the irony and the inanity. Here the art fares more than fairly." W.M. Hunt, Art Fare
To purchase book go to:
Friday, June 13, 2014
6 - 8 PM
SF Camerawork will be open from 6:00 - 8:00 PM on Friday, June 13th for #PhotoFriday. This program coincides with Central Market NOW, a monthly art event in Central Market held on the second Friday of the Month.
The evening will begin at 5:00 PM at Blick Art Materials (979 Market Street), where we will join the First Exposures youth photographers on an art walk of their Market Street Kiosk Youth Poster series. This work features unique scenes from the Tenderloin, Central Market and South of Market by youth who call those neighborhoods home. The tour will end at 6:00 PM at SF Camerawork, where you can come up for a glass of wine and take some selfies in our Andy Freeberg-inspired Art Fare photo tableau.
Courtesy of Frameline38
Victoria Theatre
Saturday, June 21, 2014
1:30 PM
We are pleased to announce SF Camerawork's participation in Frameline38, San Francisco's annual International LGBT Film Festival. With the Museum of African Diaspora, SF Camerawork will be co-presenting Through A Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People. Directed by Thomas Allen Harris, this film prioritizes and makes evident the overlooked and forgotten histories of twentieth-century African-American photographers and celebrates their work.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
6 - 8 PM
All current members of SF Camerawork are invited to participate in our monthly member critique. This is a great opportunity to get direct feedback on your work and photographic practice by SF Camerawork's executive director, gallery manager, and wider photographic community.
Lucy Goodhart, Looking North
Thursday, June 26, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Please join us at the gallery as we celebrate the launch of our 2014 - 2015 Fine Print Program. Meet the artists, have a cocktail courtesy of Blue Angel Vodka, and select from our five new prints by Andy Freeberg, Lucy Goodhart, Christina Seely, Peter Steinhauer, and Meghann Riepenhoff. For more information, please visit the fine print page.
Up All Night: SF Camerawork Juried Members' Exhibition
Thursday, July 10, 2014
6 - 8 PM
We are pleased to invite you to the opening reception of our annual juried members' exhibition, Up All Night.
Friday, July 11, 2014
6 - 8 PM
We will be staying open late on Friday, July 11th in conjunction with Central Market NOW. Come to the gallery to see our new exhibition,Up All Night, and stay in the neighborhood to see Illuminate the ARts' new project, Let There Be. Our neighbors across the street at Show Dogs will be open late, serving up San Francisco's finest sausages and offering a great spot to catch the show.
Dear Erin Hart, by Jessamyn Lovell
Thursday, September 4, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Please join us on Thursday, September 4th as we open Dear Erin Hart, a solo exhibition by Jessamyn Lovell on view from September 3 - October 18, 2014.
Also on view will be Brenden Showed Me the Deep Web, a project by Brent Nuñez, also on view from September 3 - October 18, 2014.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
6 - 8 PM
All current members of SF Camerawork are invited to participate in our monthly member critique. This is a great opportunity to get direct feedback on your work and photographic practice by SF Camerawork's executive director, gallery manager, and wider photographic community.
Preston Gannaway, 2009
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by Preston Gannaway
Thursday, October 9, 2014
6–8 PM
The first book by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Preston Gannaway, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea is a visual essay exploring the changing character of a working-class seaside community. The limited-edition book was funded through Kickstarter and printed locally.
Join us for a conversation about Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea—the work within it as well as the process of publishing it—and including the book's editor, Nicole Frugé, and Judy Walgren, Director of Photography at the San Francisco Chronicle.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
6 - 8 PM
All current members of SF Camerawork are invited to participate in our monthly member critique. This is a great opportunity to get direct feedback on your work and photographic practice by SF Camerawork's executive director, gallery manager, and wider photographic community.
Jessica Todd Harper, Adam with Mary Ann, Marshall, and Becky (2012/2014)
Saturday, October 25, 2014, 2-4 PM
Talk starts at 2:30 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2014 6 PM
Led by 2014 auctioneer Rick Wester
Please join us as we preview our 2014 benefit auction exhibition, led by auctioneer Rick Wester.
Crowd at the 2014 Benefit Auction. Photo by Benjamin Hoffman.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Registration at 11 AM, Bidding at 1 PM
The annual SF Camerawork Benefit Auction is the centerpiece fundraising effort for our organization. The event centers on the live auction, led this year by Rick Wester. Over 100 photographic works, donated by well-known artists from across the country, will be on offer.
Cover Image, "Photographers Sketchbook"
Photographer's Sketchbook by Stephen McLaren
Out Here by Rian Dundon
Thursday, November 6, 201
6 - 8 PM
Please join us on Thursday, November 6th with san Francisco-based photographer, writer and curator Stephen McLaren as he launches his new book, "Photographers Sketchbook."
This book celebrates the creative process of the modern photographic era. Forty leading photographers from around the world present their sketchbook: several pages of images that convey his or her working methods and thought processes. These intimate, one-off presentations are accompanied by engaging interviews that reveal how the simple act of pressing a shutter can capture and express a fully realized personal vision. Designed to satisfy the most demanding of image junkies, this is an indispensable resource for anyone with an interest in photography or the creative process.
Rian Dundon, an East Bay photographer, will also be speaking about and signing his new book, "Out Here," a personal history of California in the second decade of the 21st century.
"whatever we have, whoever we are, we're all working hard, striving and surviving "out here" together at the edge of the new world" - Rian Dundon
Martin (LEFT); Cordova (RIGHT)
In Character: Opera Portraiture by John Martin
Enciclopedia Infinita by Sofia Cordova
Friday, November 21, 2014
6 - 8 PM
Please join us Friday, November 1st from 6 - 8 PM with photographers John Martin and Sofia Cordova as they present their respective recently published books, In Character: Opera Portraiture and Enciclopedia Infinita.
In Character: Opera Portraiture memorably captures operatic performers away from the audience but fully inhabiting their roles. It showcases the work of John F. Martin, who for years set up a portable studio in the basement of the San Francisco Opera and photographed the players right before or after they took the state. Facing Martin's camera, each artist projects the essence of their character.
Sofia Cordova's book Enciclopedia Infinita grew our of the artist's affection for documentary photography. Cordova states, "Conceptually corrowing from the likes of August Sander and Douglas Juebler, this project aims for the categorically impossible: to be an encyclopedic catalog of 'everything.' Its finite scope will be limited by the number of images that I can generate in my lifetime."
Images courtesy of Yon Sim
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
6 - 8 PM
All current members of SF Camerawork are invited to participate in our monthly member critique. This is a great opportunity to get direct feedback on your work and photographic practice by SF Camerawork's executive director, gallery manager, and wider photographic community.
At our monthly critiques we look at wide variety of work by local artists who often introduce us to great work being done throughout the community. At this week's critique, photographer Yon Sim showed the work she's been doing documenting Lavamae, a project that brings mobile public showers to the homeless. Please see more information about the project here.
Courtesy of Ben Hoffman
Kerry Mansfield: Aftermath
Michael Shindler and Help Each Other Out: Seeing Through: Stories about Cancer & Connection
Thursday, December 4, 2014
6 - 8 PM