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Natalie Krick
Heaven Scent, 2019
Estimated Value: $3,500
Digital C-print + resin on panel
30 x 24 inches
Signed, on label
Donated by the artist.
In my work I revel in the complexities and contradictions of visual pleasure. The beautiful images of flawless women that saturate our visual culture strike me as both alluring and problematic and I strive to carve out a space where these contradictions can coexist explicitly. Through the process of constructing and deconstructing photographs I work towards complicating ideals of female beauty and disrupting traditional ways of seeing. Through layering illusions and visual references, I find myself continuously at play with the inherent trickery of photography.
About the Artist:
Natalie Krick
Natalie Krick (B. 1986) holds a BFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts and an MFA in Photography from Columbia College Chicago. Her work has recently been exhibited at SF Camerawork, The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Aperture Foundation and Blue Sky Gallery. Her photographs have been highlighted in several international publications including BOMB, Vogue Italia, The New Yorker, PDN, Aperture and Vrij Nederland. She was awarded the Aperture Portfolio Prize in 2017 and was a recipient of an Individual Photographer's Fellowship from the Aaron Siskind Foundation in 2015. Natural Deceptions, her first book, was published by Skylark Editions in the Fall of 2017. Her photographs reside in the collection at the Museum of Contemporary Photography.
Facebook: /natalie.krick.1
Instagram: @nattynattynatnat
Venmo: @Natalie-krick-2